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Board Policies and Administrative Rules
We are still in the process of migrating our board policies and administrative rules. If you need to access one that is not already linked below, please use the old website.
The College (1000 Series)
The Board of Education (2000 Series)
- 2005: Principles of Governance
- 2010: Board Authority
- 2015: Board Membership Duties and Responsibilities
- 2020: Board Evaluation
- 2025: Board of Education Code of Conduct
- 2030: Board Organization
- 2035: Board Policy Development And Revision
- 2035-01: Administrative Rule Additions, Deletions, and Modifications
- 2035-A: Board Policy Development and Revision
- 2035-01: Administrative Rule Additions, Deletions, and Modifications
- 2040: Board Meeting Procedures
- 2040-A: Agenda Development
- 2040-B: Board Meeting Resource Person Selection
- 2055: Board Member Appointment
- 2060: Budget-Committee
- 2065: Emergency Presidential Succession
- 2070: New Board Member Orientation
Board and President Relationship (3000 Series)
- 3010: Board Delegation of Administrative Authority
- 3015: Board-President Relationship
- 3020: Presidents Authority And Responsibility
- 3030: Performance Appraisal - President
- 3030-A: Job Description - President
Academic Affairs (4000 Series)
- 4010: Instruction and Curriculum Responsibilities
- 4010-01 (Part A): Guidelines For Coordinating the Development and Scheduling of Courses and Programs
- 4010-01 (Part B): Guidelines for the Approval of Faculty
- 4010-02: LBCC Student Advising
- 4015: Instructional and Curriculum Change and Flexibility
- 4020: Curricular Standards and Evaluation of Student Accomplishment
- 4020-01: Credit For Prior Learning
- 4020-06: Grade Reporting
- 4020-07: Honor Roll
- 4020-08: Transfer of Credits
- 4020-09: Course Numbering Guidelines
- 4020-10: Grading
- 4020-11: Academic Standing
- 4020-12: Examinations Finals
- 4020-13: Graduation
- 4020-14: Duplicate Diplomas and Certificates
- 4020-16: Articulation Agreements
- 4025: Library Resources
- 4025-01: Library Resources - Selection Guidelines and Criteria
- 4030: Copyrights, Patents, Development of Instructional Materials
- 4030-01: Copying Educational Media and Technology
- 4030-02: Copying Books or Periodicals For Use in an Academic Setting
- 4030-03: Copying Music For Classroom and Instructional Use
- 4030-04: Copying Computer Software
- 4030-05: Copying Related to Library Services
- 4030-06: Processes, Inventions, Patents and Copyrights
- 4030-07: On Campus Sale of, and Profits From Instructional Software Materials Products and Processes
- 4035: Career and Technical Advisory Committees
- 4032-01: College Advisory Committees
- 4040: Related Training for Apprenticeable Trades
- 4040-01: Apprenticeable Trades Training
- 4050: Academic Freedom and Responsibility
- 4055: Credit Hour Policy
- 4055-01: Review of Credit Hour Policy
- 4060: Research and Survey Policies
- 4060-01: Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Finance and Operations (5000 Series)
- 5010: Board Reports
- 5015: Authority Clerk and Deputy Clerk Contracts and Checks
- 5020: Accounting, Investment, And Maintenance of College Funds
- 5020-01: Administration of College Funds - Investments
- 5020-02: Cash and Cash Equivalent Handling Procedures
- 5020-03: Department and Student Fundraising
- 5025: Debt Management
- 5025-01: Debt Management
- 5030: Audit Of College Funds
- 5035: Purchasing, Insurance, Inventory, And Bids
- 5035-01: Student Insurance Coverage
- 5035-02: Guidelines For The Purchase Of Student Supplies And Materials
- 5035-04: Purchasing - General
- 5035-05: Risk Management
- 5035-06: Fixed Asset Inventory
- 5035-07: Disposition Of Surplus College Assets
- 5035-08: Disposal Of Items Acquired For Student Instructional Experiences And Subsequent Resale
- 5035-10: Allowable Business-Related Expenses
- 5035-11: Purchasing Card (P-Card) Procedure
- 5040: Retainers - Contracted Services
- 5045: Use Of Facilities
- 5045-01: Use of College Facilities
- Addendum 1: Facility Use Fees
- 5045-02: Smoking - Vaping - Use Of Tobacco
- 5045-03: Use of College Owned, Rented, or Personally Owned Equipment
- 5045-06: Door Security System
- 5045-07: Surveillance and Monitoring Technology
- 5045-08: Campus Signage
- 5045-01: Use of College Facilities
- 5050: Traffic And Parking
- 5050-01: Traffic & Parking Regulations and Procedures
- 5055: Enterprise Services
- 5060: Alcohol Service
- 5070: Grants and Contracts
- 5070-01: Grants and Contracts
- 5075: Electronic Communications Data Processing Computer Printing And Media Equipment
- 5075-01: Using Computers and Related Resources
- 5080: LBCC Contract Review Board
- 5080-01: Contract Review Board Rules
- 5085: Sale Of Goods And Services
- 5090: Identity Theft
- 5090-01: Identity Theft
- 5095: Safety and Security
- 5095-01: Hazardous Materials
- 5095-02: Health and Safety
- 5095-03: Searches
- 5095-04: Campus, Division, or Department Closure
- 5095-05: Public Safety Incident Response Policy
- 5100: Emergency Response
- 5100-01: Emergency Response
- 5105: Integrated Pest Management
- 5110: Employee Identification Cards
- 5110-01: Employee Identification Card Procedures
- 5115: Business/Travel Expense
- 5115-01: Business/Travel Expense Reimbursement
Human Resources (6000 Series)
- 6015: Reassignment Transfer
- 6025: Compensation and Benefits
- 6025-01: Tuition and Fees Waivers
- 6025-02: Step Advancement and Recognition for Part-Time Faculty
- 6025-05: Classification - Reclassification
- 6025-06: Bilingual Pay Incentive
- 6025-07: Salary Deferral Retirement Plans
- 6030: Annual Employment Agreement
- 6030-01: Employment Agreements
- 6040: Discipline and Discharge
- 6040-01: Discipline and Discharge
- 6050: Holidays
- 6055: Health Insurance
- 6055-01: Health Insurance
- 6060: Leaves of Absence
- 6060-01: Personal Unpaid Leave of Absence
- 6060-02: Family and Medical Leave
- 6060-04: Bereavement Leave
- 6060-05: Leave for Military Activation
- 6065: Jury Duty - Subpoenaes
- 6065-01: Jury Duty - Subpoenaes
- 6085: Outside Employment
- 6090: Performance Appraisals
- 6090-01: Performance Review
- 6095: Personnel Records
- 6095-01: Personnel Records
- 6100: Hiring
- 6105: Nepotism
- 6105-01: Nepotism
- 6110: Resignations
- 6110-01: Resignations
- 6115: Retirement and Early Retirement
- 6115-01: Eligibility for Public Employees Retirement System
- 6115-02: Early Retirement Plan
- 6115-03: Post-Retirement Employment
- 6120: Sick Leave
- 6120-01: Sick Leave
- 6125: Paid Leave
- 6125-02: Paid Leave (temporarily replaces 6125-01)
- 6125-03: Pooled Sick Leave Reserve
- 6135: Drug-Free Workplace
- 6153-01: Drug-Free Workplace
- 6154: Professional Development
- 6145-01: Short Term Professional Development Activities
- 6145-02: Professional Development Leave
Student Services (7000 Series)
- 7010: Student Development, Engagement, and Services
- 7015: Student Governance
- 7015-03: Student Governance
- 7015-04: Student Clubs
- 7015-05: Co-Curricular Organizations
- 7030: Student Rights and Responsibilities
- 7030-01: Students Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code
- 7030-02: Academic Integrity
- 7030-03: Non-Attendance During Week One of Classes
- 7030-04: Student Conduct on Field Trips and in Other Official Off-Campus Activities
- 7040: Student Records
- 7040-01: Student Records and Disclosure of Student Records
- 7040-02: Directory Information
- 7040-03: Collection and Use of SSNs
- 7050: College Affordability
- 7050-03: Financial Aid and Student Debt
- 7050-04: Tuition Refunds
- 7055: Tuition and Fees
- 7055-03: Cost Recovery Criteria
- 7055-04: Fees Charged to Students
- 7055-06: Oregon 65+ Tuition Waiver
- 7075: Student Progression
- 7075-02: Admission Standards
- 7075-03: Restricted Access Programs
- 7075-05: Classification of Residency
- 7075-07: Registration
- 7075-08: Underage Enrollment
- 7075-10: Auditing Classes
- 7075-12: Course Repeat Limitation
- 7080: Tuition Waiver for Dependents of Veterans
College Advancement (8000 Series)
- 8010: Fund Development Fund Raising
- 8010-01: Contributions to LBCC
- 8015: Naming Facilities
- 8015-01: Naming Facilities
- 8020: Honorary Degrees and Awards
- 8020-01: Honorary Degrees and Awards
- 8025: Advancement Public Information
- 8025-01: News Media Contact
- 8025-02: College Marketing Materials
- 8025-03: Advertising
- 8025-04: College Website
- 8025-05: Use of LBCC Logos
- 8030: Requests for Public Records
- 8030-01: Public Records Requests