Board Policy 1030
Timely Warnings Alerting the Campus to Threats to Safety
The purpose of this policy is to provide safeguards for the college community through compliance with the Clery Act. The Clery Act is a federal law which requires that the college provide timely warnings to the impacted portion(s) of the campus community whenever it becomes aware of a crime on or off campus that represents a serious or continuing threat to the health or safety of students or employees.
The president shall implement and maintain administrative rules and procedures to assure that, in the event that a crime that represents a threat to the health and safety of students and/or staff is identified, timely warnings and relevant instructions will be provided to the potentially affected persons.
10/17/12, 5/20/15, 4/17/19, 6/26/23
12/15/09, 10/17/12, 5/20/15, 4/17/19, 6/26/23