Administrative Rule 5100-01
Emergency Response
To provide a safe and orderly environment through planning, preparing, and implementing policies, procedures, and effective strategies that will assure an effective response during an emergency situation. This rule satisfies requirements of the Jeanne Clery Act for a specific college policy addressing emergency response at the College.
All Hazards Emergency Management
The College's Emergency Response Plan provides general guidance for an all- hazards approach to emergency management activities. The plan describes college emergency response structure and assigns responsibilities for various emergency tasks. The audience for the document includes the college administration, faculty, staff members, volunteers acting as agents of LBCC, and others who may participate in mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.
LBCC Emergency Priorities
- Protect People First
- protect people from further harm (secure them, get them away from harm);
- get help to any injured (call 911 and/or Campus Public Safety);
- treat and comfort victims until help arrives (first aid, CPR).
- Contain the Situation
- Protect Property
- protect valuable records/documents
- secure personal keys/wallet/purse;
- protect equipment and buildings.
- Resume Normal Operations ASAP
- when the emergency is under control, refer to the Continuation of Operations Plan to develop a plan for resuming operations based on the situation; and
- survey buildings for damage, get cost estimates, hire crews and experts, clean up, and open for business.
General Emergency Procedures
See the current Emergency Response Plan.
Employees who become aware of an event, situation, or condition that poses an imminent threat to health, lives, or safety to individuals shall immediately call 911. Once emergency personnel have been notified, the employee shall contact and advise Campus Public Safety. If not an imminent threat, report the incident to Campus Public Safety first to assess and determine next steps.
If possible and prudent, employees shall notify their immediate supervisor and/or other appropriate LBCC staff. While on the scene, the highest-ranking non- Incident Command employee shall be in charge until relieved by the event's incident commander, an administrator, Campus Public Safety, or emergency personnel.
If safe, the employees should secure the area until a campus Public Safety officer arrives. However, employees should not place themselves at additional physical risk. After Campus Public Safety has arrived, the employee shall wait for additional responding agencies (sheriff's officer, EMT, fire department, etc.), if applicable, and provide them with his/her report about the situation. In any situation where the sheriff, emergency medical personnel, and/or fire departments are involved, they will have joint command of the event with LBCC's Incident Command structure.
Communication Procedures
Media contacts will be referred to LBCC's Public Information Officer or his/her designee. If these people are not available, a vice president or dean will act in this role.
Without delay, upon confirmation of an emergency and taking into account the safety of the community, the incident commander or college president will initiate the emergency notification system. During the emergency, email, telephones, cell phones, mobile radios, and/or the campus alarm/voice notification system will be used to alert the campus community or the specific impacted area of the campus as deemed necessary.
Once initial response and situation notification/alarm has taken place, email messages, text messages, web page messages, and/or public address announcements will be sent periodically to all staff and/or students from the Campus Public Safety Office or LBCC's Public Information Officer's office with a brief, factual statement of the event and steps that have taken place to address the issue.
After the emergency is over, the alarm/voice notification system, mobile radio, email, text and phone messages, and/or the College website will be used to provide information concluding the event and resuming normal operations.
Date of Adoption:
12/1/16, 1/7/21