Cost Recovery Program Criteria



Programs may be developed and offered through a model that charges students the full price of the program in order to produce sufficient revenue to offer the program without a general fund investment.



The determination of program eligibility is part of the program approval process.

Cost-recovery courses and programs must meet all of the following criteria:

  1. the program/course meets a specific and important training need of an identified industry or set of employees from an identified industry;
  2. the courses are not required by an already approved degree or certificate program that is offered at current tuition rates; and
  3. but for the cost-recovery pricing structure, the academic program would not be offered by the college;
  4. cost recovery offerings may include within their rate all the costs associated with participating in the course or program, including but not limited to books, supplies, materials and services, and personnel costs.

Other factors to be considered are implications for administrative and student support services.

Programs granted permission to operate with this model will be regularly evaluated via the college’s program review process to determine whether the above criteria are satisfied and if the program is not adaptable to another tuition model.

The Community Education program is operated as a cost-recovery operation in the college. Courses are offered and priced based on market analysis and operational requirements of Community Education.



Date of Adoption:

Dates of Revision:
1/11/94, 9/15/99, 9/17/02, 4/17/07, 12/02/08, 1/08/15, 11/1/18
Dates of Review:
11/1/18, 10/06/22