Employment Agreements



To define the process for notifying all employees of key terms and conditions of employment, including position type, title, rate of pay, projected length of assignment, and the timelines and notice requirements associated with employment renewal/non-renewal.



Bargaining Unit Employees

All bargaining unit positions shall be expressed in writing and shall state the length of employment and the rate of pay. The length of any assignment shall not exceed one year in duration. Terms and conditions of employment for these employee groups are subject to collective bargaining agreements and shall be governed by those respective agreements. Where collective bargaining agreements are silent, Board policies and administrative rules shall apply.

Management/Exempt and Confidential Employees

On at least an annual basis, positions shall be documented and available to the individual employee and shall state the projected length of employment and rate of pay. The length of any assignment shall not exceed one year in duration.

If a significant change in resources necessitates a change to any of the specific terms of the assignment for these employees, the college shall provide the affected employees with a minimum of 90 days of notice before any such change takes effect.

The college may, for any reason that it in good faith deems sufficient within the provisions of “at-will” law, choose not to renew employment for any management/exempt or confidential employee. Such decisions may only be made with the expressed consent of the president. In the event that a decision for non-renewal is made, the college shall provide written notice to the affected employee. Employees with twelve or more calendar months of continuous employment will be provided a minimum of 180 days of notice before the non-renewal takes effect.

Part-Time Employees

Part time non-bargaining classified, management, exempt, or confidential employees are hired and continued from pay period to pay period on an as needed basis in accordance with the fluctuating needs of the college.

Part time non-bargaining faculty employees are hired and continued on a term-to-term basis in accordance with the fluctuating needs of the college.



Date of Adoption:

Dates of Revision:
Dates of Review: