Performance Review



To illustrate the operational process for delivering professional growth and development through periodic performance review.



Bargaining Unit Employees

Terms and conditions of performance review for full-time classified employees are contained within the IACE collective bargaining agreement and expanded upon in the Classified Review Process.

Terms and conditions of performance review for full-time faculty are contained within the Faculty Association collective bargaining agreement and expanded upon in the Faculty Appraisal Handbook.

Terms and conditions of performance review for qualifying part-time faculty are contained within the Part Time Faculty Association collective bargaining agreement.

Management/Exempt and Confidential Employees

The specific time lines and the approved guidelines to administer performance review for these groups are fully articulated in the Exempt/Confidential Performance Review Process.

Non-Bargaining Part-Time Employees

College administration expects that all employees are informed about their job-related expectations, and that they receive performance related feedback from their direct supervisors. 

Some part-time non-contracted positions are short-tenured and/or sporadic in nature and may not fit into a conventional performance review schedule. For these positions, supervisors may work with the Human Resources department to either waive the performance review requirement, or to deliver an abbreviated review that is appropriate for the position.



Date of Adoption:

Dates of Revision:
1/12/12, 11/9/17, 11/12/21
Dates of Review: