Board Policy 5050
Traffic and Parking
Parking regulations are established for the protection and equitable treatment of members of the college community and safety of all persons and vehicles on campus property.
The movement, operation, and parking of vehicles on college property are governed by state and local laws and established administrative rules. Such administrative rules are to be in accordance with the Oregon Revised Statute governing traffic control (ORS 341.300) and are subject to the college administrative rule process.
Date of Adoption:
Dates of Revision:
3/17/93, 7/21/93, 2/18/98, 1/19/11, 1/18/17
3/17/93, 7/21/93, 2/18/98, 1/19/11, 1/18/17
Dates of Review:
1/19/11, 1/18/17
1/19/11, 1/18/17