Administrative Rule 7075-10
Auditing Classes
This rule establishes expectations of students who may choose to audit a course.
Students may enroll as auditors through the "add" period for the course. Charges for auditing will be the same as for regular credit enrollment.
The final grade assigned a student with audit status shall be an AU. The instructor has the right to require 100 percent attendance for students who registered on audit status.
Students must meet placement or pre-requisite requirements even when choosing to audit a course.
Earning an AU grade for a pre-requisite course does not allow for registration in the course requiring the pre-requisite.
Students who want to audit courses that are part of special admission programs must meet certain conditions. Refer to the administrative rule defining special admission requirements.
Date of Adoption:
9/22/92, 3/16/04, 6/1/10, 10/2/14, 11/1/18
11/1/18, 10/6/22