Hiring Procedures



To assure that the college’s hiring procedures directly support the college mission and strategic goals, and that those procedures be both sensitive to economic realities and specifically structured to enable the hiring of the highest quality employees possible.



Bargaining Unit Employees

Procedures related to hiring for collectively bargained faculty and classified employees are contained within each group’s collective bargaining agreement. Where bargaining agreements are silent, Board Policies, Administrative Rules, or college procedures for non-bargaining employees shall apply.

Non-Bargaining Employees

The Board directs the president to establish and maintain hiring procedures to ensure that core elements of the hiring processes are standardized, broadly communicated, accessible, and in keeping with LBCC's mission, vision, values. applicable statute.

The president shall inform the board about all hiring and termination decisions of college employees and shall establish Administrative Rules, procedures and guidelines for making these decisions.



Date of Adoption:
Dates of Revision:
11/8/84, 7/21/93, 2/17/10, 1/18/12, 10/18/17, 11/17/21
Dates of Review:
1/18/12, 10/18/17