Board Policy 5055
Enterprise Services
To identify convenience services that the college will provide to students, staff, and the public. The services are to be self-supporting and not funded through the General Fund.
The college provides the following services as a convenience to students and staff:
- Food Services
- Campus Store
- Printing Services
Enterprise Services shall establish prices for students and the college at the lowest possible level consistent with sound management. The pricing procedure shall contribute operating income to cover direct costs of staff, supplies, merchandise, inventory growth, non-fixed equipment procurement, share of facility cost and fixed equipment, and other normal operating expenses. Services or "convenience merchandise" offered to the general public shall be priced at a competitive market level.
Linn-Benton Community College employee groups and students will not be granted discounts unless the discount, sale, or promotion is offered to all customers.
Any exception to the pricing policy must be approved by the VP of Finance & Operations or the President of the college.
The college shall share in providing space, fixed equipment, utilities, and routine maintenance on the facilities and fixed equipment. The Enterprise Fund will make an annual payment to the college General Fund as determined to be appropriate. An operating statement will be prepared annually. The statement will include the amount of the Enterprise Fund payment for information purposes. Operating money for activities within the Enterprise Fund may be co-mingled with each activity separately accounted for.
5/20/88, 3/17/93, 1/19/11, 2/8/17, 10/21/20
1/19/11; 2/8/17