Board Policy 6110
To provide for the highest possible level of collaboration in employment resignation transitions to minimize any negative impact for the college and the communities we serve.
Bargaining Unit Employees
Instructions related to resignations for collectively bargained faculty and classified employees are contained within each group’s collective bargaining agreement. Where bargaining agreements are silent, Board Policies and Administrative Rules for non-bargaining employees shall apply.
Non-Bargaining Employees
The Board directs the President to establish and maintain Administrative Rules, procedures and practices specifically designed to encourage the earliest possible communication in the event of a pending resignation.
11/8/84, 5/18/88, 7/21/93, 1/21/98, 10/21/09, 2/17/10, 5/19/10, 1/18/12, 10/18/17
11/8/84, 5/18/88, 7/21/93, 1/21/98, 10/21/09, 2/17/10, 5/19/10, 1/18/12, 10/18/17, 11/17/21