


To minimize disruption to college services by encouraging early communication in the event of a pending employment resignation.



Bargaining Unit Employees

Resignation procedures for employees subject to collective bargaining agreements shall be governed by the respective agreements; failing such provisions, board policies and/or administrative rules shall apply.


If an employee wishes to interrupt a currently in-force payroll authorization by resigning their employment, such resignations shall preferably be communicated in writing and must be directed to the immediate supervisor. In the event of a verbal resignation, the supervisor shall request that the employee submit their request in writing. In the event that the employee either will not or cannot submit the request in either written or electronic form, the supervisor shall clarify the employee’s intent to resign, and document the resignation in writing on their behalf. Once submitted, an unprocessed resignation, whether written, electronic or verbal in nature, may only be rescinded with the mutual agreement of the employee and the supervisor.

Upon receipt of a resignation, the supervisor will  forward all documentation of the resignation to Human Resources to begin the exit process.   Once the presignation is received for processing by Human Resources, the resignation may not be rescinded without the expressed consent of the college President. Upon receipt of the personnel transaction form, Human Resources will process the resignation, notify the appropriate staff and the Board of Education, prepare the exit documents, and route to the employee.

Management/Exempt and Confidential Employees

Management/exempt / confidential staff are expected to provide notification as soon as practicable. It is expected that employees in these groups provide no less than thirty (30) days notice prior to the date of a pending resignation.



Date of Adoption:

Dates of Revision:
7/17/07, 4/6/10, 2/3/12, 11/9/17, 11/12/21
Dates of Review:
7/17/07, 4/6/10, 2/3/12, 11/9/17