Finding Work

Annual Career Fair

Career fairs are a great way to network and connect employers and job seekers. The LBCC career fair typically hosts over 100 booths and has over 600 attendees. You are invited to join us this year - employers register for a fee and all students and job seekers attend for free.

Date: April 24, 2024
Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Location: 6500 Pacific Blvd SW, Albany - Activity Center, Gym (campus map)

Contact the Advising Center at 541-917-4780 or for more information.

2024 List of Participating Employers

Information for Students and the Community


Information for Employers

  • See eligibility to participate
  • Get on the invitation list
  • Invitations will be emailed in January when registration is open
  • Registration costs and deadlines for employers
    • All registrations include a 6' table, two chairs, morning refreshments, lunch; wifi and electricity available upon request.
    • Early Bird Special Deadline: March 15, 2024 includes discounted rate and additional advertising.
      • For-profit business/organization: $125.00*
      • Non-profit business/organization: $55.00*
    • Final Registration Deadline: April 15, 2024
      • For-profit business/organization: $150.00*
      • Non-profit business/organization: $75.00*
    • *Costs subject to change.
    • Cancellations with full refund allowed until April 17, 2024.

Registration is now closed for the 2024 Career Fair. Please apply to the invitation list for 2025!

For more information, email or contact the Advising Center at 541-917-4780.