High School Partnerships

Resources for High School Teachers

College Now High School teachers are not compensated by LBCC for their work with the College Now program, however they are reimbursed for mileage and substitutes to attend meetings and training time with the College Now faculty.

College Now High School teachers may be eligible for a 3 credit tuition waiver, please contact the High School Partnership Office for details at 541-917-4278.

Step 1: Instructor Qualification Review

Who - All College Now teacher applicants submit credentials to the High School Partnerships office.

What - The review of credentials will allow Faculty advisor to decide if candidate meets all qualifications necessary.

Why - LBCC must maintain high degree of standards in all credit granting classes, just as is true in all “on-campus” classes. Teacher qualifications must meet or exceed all requirements supported by Sponsored Dual Credit standards.

Where – Once the instructor meets the qualifications the Faculty Advisor will sign AA (Articulation Agreement) after which time the document will travel to “Dean of Instruction” for review and approval. Once documents are returned to the High School Partnerships office the candidate will be notified and sent documents to sign.

Step 2: Course Review

Who - An LBCC Faculty Advisor will serve as the faculty liaison and establish a partnership.

What - The Faculty liaison will assist with course alignment, outcomes and syllabi creation.

Why - It is important to establish a partnership allowing guidance from experienced faculty to assist in creating a new College Now course.

Where - Course review should happen soon after the partnership is established communication can begin by phone, at school, whatever works for all parties.

Step 3: Articulation Agreement Process

Who - After “Instructor Approval" and “Course Review” (syllabus) are approved, the High School Partnerships office will create an articulation agreement (AA) that is signed by High School Faculty, High School Administrator, LBCC Faculty Liaison, Division Dean & Director of High School Partnerships.

What -This is a legal document. All parties should review the entire document and understand what responsibilities are expected.

Why - LBCC is an accredited community college. To remain true to our vision and uphold standards College Now credit is issued under contract only.

Where - Copies of all applications and articulation agreements (AA) are available and filed in the High School Partnerships office.


The grade a student receives in the College Now class (A - F, W) will reflect on an LBCC transcript once final grades are submitted unless the student chooses to Drop or Withdrawal from the College Now course by the specified date or is removed by the articulated high school instructor.