College Now
Courses Available for College Now
Select an LBCC area of study below for course details and instructor contact information.
BA111 Practical Accounting I
BA112 Practical Accounting I
BA 218 Personal Finance Planning
Accounting Contact: Chris Ruderman
BA101A Business Foundations
EC115 Outline of Economics
Business Contact: Ian Priestman
CIS 135S Advanced Spreadsheets
CS120 Digital Literacy
CS160 Orientation to Computer Science
CS161 Introduction to Computer Science I
CS162 Introduction to Computer Science II
Computer Systems Contact: Joseph Jess
*CS and CIS courses will no longer be available after the 2023-24 academic year.
History of Western Civilization:
HST101 Beginning through High Middle Ages
HST102 High Middle Ages through American and French Revolutions
HST103 Industrial Revolution through Modern Era
Introduction to American Politics and Government:
PS201 Intro Amer Politics/Government
Contact: Scott McAleer
GS104 Physical Science: Principles of Physics
PH201 General Physics
PH202 General Physics
PH203 General Physics
PH211 General Physics with Calculus
PH212 General Physics with Calculus
Physics Contact: Greg Mulder
CH112 Chemistry for Health Occupations
CH150 Preparatory Chemistry
CH121 College Chemistry
CH122 College Chemistry II
CH123 College Chemistry III
Chemistry Contact: Marci Moling
GS 106 Phy Sci: Prin of Earth Science
Earth Science Contact: Deron Carter