Testing Services

Albany Campus
Red Cedar Hall, Room 111

January 21 - March 14
Monday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm

Select Saturdays (March 15)
9:00am - 2:00pm

Finals (March 17 - 21)
Monday: 9:00am - 6:00pm 
Tuesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm 
Wednesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm 
Thursday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm

March 24 - 28
Monday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:30pm

Corvallis Campus
Benton Center, Room 222
541-757-8944 ext 5101

January 21 - March 14
Monday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Thursday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Friday: 9:00am - 3:30pm

Finals (March 17 - 19) 
Monday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am - 6:00pm

Welcome to Testing Services. If you're taking a paper and pencil test, feel free to drop in anytime during our open hours on the Albany Campus. If you're taking a test on the computer or you want to test at the Corvallis Campus, you'll need to book an appointment.

Book an Appointment for an Exam


Rules and Policies

  • Photo ID is required for all testing (some tests require current government-issued photo ID)
    • Pictures of photo ID are not acceptable
  • Only authorized materials are allowed in the testing room
  • No cell phones are allowed in the testing room
  • Only test takers and LBCC staff are allowed in the testing room
  • All tests must be finished 30 minutes before we close



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Offered online.

The Chemistry placement test is designed for students that have completed one year of high school Chemistry and Intermediate Algebra. The test has 50 multiple choice questions and has a 75 minute time limit. The test covers mathematics, problem solving, and general chemistry. A score of 30 or higher will allow the student to bypass Chemistry 150. Two attempts are allowed. There is no fee for this test.

Offered at Albany Campus and Corvallis Campus.

The Spanish placement is a 60-minute, 75-question multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank test. This test will place students into the correct Spanish class ranging from SPN 101 to 201.

Offered online.

The College Level Exam Program (CLEP) is the most widely accepted credit by examination program in the country. LBCC is an open testing site for anyone wishing to take the CLEP exams.

Although LBCC offers all 33 CLEP exams, we do not accept all CLEP exams for credit at LBCC.

How to Sign Up

  1. Register and pay for your CLEP exam at CollegeBoard.
  2. Print your "Registration Ticket."
  3. Schedule your test appointment with us.

On the Day of Testing

  1. Pay the LBCC administration fee ($25) in the Business Office.
  2. Check in for testing at our office (see above).

What to Bring with You

  • CLEP Registration ticket
  • Receipt for $25 LBCC administration fee
  • One piece of current government-issued photo ID.
    • Acceptable forms: current passport, valid driver's license, DMV ID, military ID, tribal ID

CLEP Exams Accepted by LBCC.

Offered at Albany Campus.

We provide services to LBCC students that are unable to take a test during their regularly scheduled test session. We also work with Accessibility Resources to provide students with approved accommodated testing.


  • Photo ID is required to test. Copies or pictures of ID are not acceptable.
  • Know the class you need to test for (i.e. BI 101, ENG 213, etc.).
  • Know the instructor's first and last name.
  • Know our testing hours. Tests must be finished 30 minutes before closing time.
  • Only approved items allowed in the testing room. Cell phones are not allowed. Lockers are available for use.
  • Children are not allowed in the testing room, only testers and staff.
  • Computerized tests: appointments are required for exams that need the use of a computer.

Information for Faculty

We use RegisterBlast for test submissions. Follow the Professor RegisterBlast Instructions to get an account. Once you have an account, you can use the RegisterBlast Professor Login to submit tests.

We do not proctor tests for entire in-person classes. We will support LBCC online classes where exams must be proctored in person. We do ask that arrangements be made at least five business days in advance.

  • Please have the instructor name and course name on each test.
  • Fill out your test submission with all needed information, including time limit, dates the test is to be taken by, and student names.
  • Indicate which aids are allowed or needed during testing. Items not listed will not be allowed.
  • Student names (or LBCC email addresses) must be on the testing form, or a class list must be provided. If this is not provided, we will not be able to proctor the tests.
  • We do not provide scantrons, green books, or notebook paper. We will provide scratch paper.
  • We do not time tests. We use a time clock to clock in and out on the test.
  • Photo ID will be required to pick up tests.

Appointments are required for all exams needing a computer (except for ALEKS tests).

Offered at Albany Campus and Corvallis Campus.

We proctor exams for other colleges, universities, and agencies.

The cost for this service is $30 per test. The fee must be paid prior to testing and a receipt presented at the time of testing. The fee can be paid at the Business Office. Note: if testing on a Saturday or any day after 4:00pm, the Business Office is closed and payment will need to be made in advance.

Degree Partnership Program students testing for Oregon State University, Oregon Tech, or Western Oregon University:

  • No charge if currently taking a class with LBCC (proof of current enrollment will need to be provided) OR
  • $30 per term for DPP students not currently enrolled in a LBCC course

Appointments are required for all proctored tests. Proctor appointments must be made 48 business hours in advance. All testing materials and instructions must be received by us before scheduling an appointment.

Provide the following link to your professor (before you schedule an appointment) so they can send your test to us: Proctor for Other Institutions Form.

Offered at Albany Campus and Corvallis Campus.

We are an approved testing site for the GED. The GED is a series of four tests: Reasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math. The GED provides a way to earn an equivalency certificate for individuals who have not graduated from high school.

How to Schedule a GED Exam.

Offered at Albany Campus.

We are an authorized Pearson Vue testing center. Pearson Vue-authorized test centers are third-party testing facilities which provide on-site, on-demand testing for certification and professional licensure exams. We offer an extensive list of Pearson Vue exams, including:

  • American College
  • Cisco
  • CompTia
  • National Education System (ES/NES)
  • GED
  • Microsoft

Visit Pearson Vue to learn more.

Offered at Albany Campus.

Challenge (credit by examination) is an opportunity for students to demonstrate the mastery of material covered in college courses and receive credit. It involves the taking of special college-prepared examinations to demonstrate knowledge and competency. The challenge may not be used to substitute for regular class registration. The purpose is to validate prior learning rather than current learning in progress.

Currently, LBCC has one course challenge available: Medical Terminology I (CRS 131) for three credits.

Students wanting to take a challenge exam must register for it with us during the first two weeks of term. The cost is 30% of the current cost per credit hour for the course. The test must be completed by the end of the seventh week of the term it was registered for. The fee is not transferable to another term, and a course can only be challenged once. Students cannot be registered for the class if they want to register for the challenge test.

Credits for a course challenge do not count toward required course load for veterans, financial aid recipients, and international students.

Final scores will be reported to the student within two weeks of the exam date, and results will be reported to the registrar the ninth week of the term.

To begin the process, email us (see above) with your request, including your full name and student ID number. We will send you instructions on how to become registered for the challenge.

Offered at Albany Campus.