Hear from Real Students

Linn-Benton Community College is proud to welcome so many students from across the globe – and we're excited to share their stories with you! Check out this page for testimonies from current international students as well as alumni.

Find students by home country

Brazil | China | India | Indonesia | Japan | Lebanon | Malaysia | Mongolia | Qatar | Russia | Saudi Arabia | South Korea | Vietnam | Zimbabwe

Students from Brazil

photo of Vitoria Mingola, international studentVitoria Mingola

Biology | Brazil

"I found my way to LBCC from my previous experience as a high school exchange student. I fell in love with Oregon and discovered that everything I wanted to study I could get by coming here.

I reached out to the international programs and told them I was interested in becoming a student and they helped me right away with getting everything done so I could start taking classes."



Students from China

photo of Xiaoyu Liu, international student

Xiaoyu Liu

Business | China

"LBCC is a good place for new International students to begin their college life, especially in the first two years. At LBCC you will find small classes and teachers that know their students. It is very easy to learn about the local culture and make new friends. After two years, you can transfer anywhere to finish a bachelor degree. Starting at LBCC helps students adapt more easily to the University life."




Students from India

photo of Jai Verma, international studentJai Verma

Business | India

"As a student of Linn-Benton Community College, I've had a complete change in my worldview. The lectures, the teaching style, was all very different from how it was back home in India. With the help of the amazing professors, my peers and international student advisors, I flourished. After graduation, I was inducted into the Honor's Society, with a GPA of 3.6, and quickly moved into the beginning of my career as a successful businessperson."



Students from Indonesia

photo of Korinius Kogoya, international studentKorinius Kogoya

Human Development & Family Sciences | Indonesia

"As a trilingual and first generation college student, it wasn’t easy for me to study in the US.  Within two years, I faced such a language barrier, culture shock and homesickness. However, all those circumstances didn’t discourage me from succeeding in my dreams. Once at LBCC, I had such amazing professors, advisors, tutors and mentors that were always there for me. I want to thank those who play an important role within two years at Linn-Benton Community College. Your investment in me will not end up here, and yet it is going to the people who are needed and generations to come as I am going to serve."


Students from Japan

photo of Erika Iizuka, international studentErika Iizuka

Graphic Design | Japan

"I first learned English at ELCI, the language school on the LBCC campus, and then transferred to LBCC. I was able to transition to the next stage very smoothly thanks to the close relationship between the two schools. It was like having a home on a college campus where I'm always welcomed to just stop by and talk about my day. What I learned while in LBCC wasn't just study. I had an on-campus job at the International Programs which significantly changed and shaped who I am today. It guided me to find my interest in studying Graphic Design and helped me find the joy to be involved with the campus community."


Students from Lebanon

photo of Wael ElJamal, international studentWael ElJamal

Exercise & Sports Science | Lebanon

"My name is Wael ElJamal, and I am a Kinesiology major looking to become a physical therapist. I figured out LBCC was the college for me once I saw how much smaller classes were and how much student-Professor experiences that provides. LBCCs staff are the most energetic and insightful I have ever worked with. I have never had an a question that the staff were not able to provide an answer for. My experience at a LBCC has been nothing short of wonderful, as was the educational experience I have received."



Students from Malaysia

photo of Riza DeAsis, international studentRiza DeAsis

Engineering | Malaysia

"I came to LBCC as an international student in the engineering emphasis program. I initially thought I would feel isolated from everyone, but the community and the advisors definitely proved me wrong – they made me feel connected and genuinely cared about my success and overall well-being throughout my time at LBCC. I always appreciated the small class sizes, which made discussions more comfortable and allowed instructors to get to know their students on an individual basis. Not only that, the resources provided and my education here certainly prepared me well for my journey to getting my Bachelor’s degree."

Students from Mongolia

photo of Ganjiguur Batsaikhan, international studentGanjigurr Batsaikhan

Engineering | Mongolia

"I've been studying here in the United States for 4 years now and attending LBCC was the best choice I have made since I came here!   If you want a safe and friendly environment surrounded with college students and amazing teachers, come join me here at LBCC."




Students from Qatar

photo of Ali Al Lanjawi, international studentAli Al Lanjawi

Business | Qatar

"Linn Benton is a great community college that helped me transition into the American educational system smoothly thanks to the help of the international advisors. Tutors for math are available from morning to night to help us further our knowledge of the subject matters, which helped me succeed in my classes.   My international advisor Kim helped me transition from Linn Benton to Oregon State University by seating with me through the application process and made sure I had all the documents needed to become a student at OSU. "



Students from Russia

photo of Alexandra Stepanova, international studentAlexandra Stepanova

Business | Russia

"I attended LBCC for two years and have graduated with a Business Administration degree. The school has provided me with all the necessary resources for a pleasant and successful experience.  With the help of all the great instructors I was able to deliver well academically which had put me on an easy pass to graduate and further more getting a good job in my field of study.  LBCC didn't just provide me with a great education, it has also made the transition as an international student extremely easy.  With the support of the DSOs I was able to get involved in the college community. It was great to be able to participate in different activities and contribute to the school's atmosphere."

Students from Saudi Arabia

photo of Abdulhadi AlAtig, international studentAbdulhadi (Hadi) Al Atiq

Engineering | Saudi Arabia

"We do not know what the future is holding for us, and our best bet is to be prepared to respond accordingly. I started my education at LBCC who provided me guidance, resources, knowledge and training to advance in my education and my future career.  I transferred to New Mexico State University where I was one of the Dean of engineering student ambassadors and the representative of IE students & department. Now that I graduated from New Mexico State University with a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, I am now working in the Operational Excellence department of the largest oil company in the World and will be earning my masters degree in the near future!"

Students from South Korea

photo of Jaeeun Seong, international studentJaeeun Seong

LBCC/OSU Grad | South Korea

"I decided to enroll at Linn Benton Community College (LBCC) to improve my command of English and to become more acquainted with the academic culture in the U.S. After undergoing 1.5 years of intensive education at LBCC, I was accepted into the Yale School of the Environment in 2013, where I pursued my second M.S. in Forest Science and studied carbon cycling in soil. After receiving my M.S., I worked as a research assistant at Yale for two years, where I applied my analytical skills towards investigating the effects of hydraulic fracturing on methane levels in groundwater."


Students from Vietnam

photo of My Emhily Tran, international studentMy (Emhily) Tran

Business/Computer Science | Vietnam

"I have changed markedly since I came to LBCC. Studying and working here as a Peer Mentor has given me one of the greatest experiences of my life where I can discover and define myself to the fullest. Let LBCC be the next destination on your academic journey and like me, you will not regret it!"




Students from Zimbabwe

photo of Audrey Moyo, international studentAudrey Moyo

Mathematics | Zimbabwe

"Linn- Benton Community College has been a fulfilling choice as it has helped me learn to challenge myself and grow as an individual. This school provides several resources that cater to the needs of the students in and outside the classroom. My assigned academic advisors and coaches have helped me transition smoothly from one term to the next. We have a very active student government that organizes fun and educational events that promote student engagement. Apart from my academics, I also work as a student engagement leader, where I interact with different students and help them reach the resources they seek. Overall, LBCC helps its students be successful."