Library Policies

Code of Conduct

LBCC Library users and staff have a shared responsibility for making the library a safe and pleasant place for studying, research, and collaboration. We have certain expectations for conduct within the library (listed below), which are designed to create a positive environment. Please consider the type of experiences you hope to have in our library and what steps you can take to ensure that other library users also enjoy such experiences.

  • We welcome students, staff, faculty, and community members to use library resources and enjoy the library space. We expect all library users to adhere to LBCC Administrative Rules.
  • We appreciate your assistance in making the LBCC Library a welcoming place for all. Please be courteous toward fellow library users and staff.
  • Many library users appreciate the library’s quiet spaces for study. We ask that the further you get in the library, the quieter you be. There should be minimal talking in marked quiet areas. For more information please see the LBCC Library Quiet Policy.
  • Cell phones are allowed in the library. We ask that all sounds and ringers are silenced and that appropriate quiet policy rules are followed.
  • Please provide photo identification each time you wish to check out library materials to maintain the security of your library records.
  • If the security gate alarm goes off as you are leaving the library, please return to the circulation desk. One of your items may not have been checked out properly, and we appreciate your cooperation in keeping our circulation records accurate.
  • We provide scanners and photocopiers for your convenience. We ask that you limit your use of the book scanner to 10 minutes, and that you make yourself familiar with applicable copyright guidelines.
  • When using library computers be mindful of others who are waiting. In certain circumstances, LBCC Library staff might ask you to move to another computer.
  • You and your children are welcome in the library. Please supervise your children at all times.
  • The library is often a busy place, and library staff cannot be responsible for your personal property. Please do not leave items unattended. Lockers are available both in the Library and the Learning Center.
  • If a library staff member approaches you with a concern about your conduct, please be willing to work with the staff member to resolve the issue.
  • Library users who violate the code of conduct may be subject to disciplinary action.

Thank you for abiding by the LBCC Library Code of Conduct. If you have any questions, or concerns please feel free to visit us, email us at, call us at 541-917-4645, or fill out a suggestion form (found at the Circulation Desk).