
Frequently Asked Questions About Tutoring

Do I have to register for tutoring?

No! If you are enrolled in a credit course, you are already in our scheduling software, TutorTrac. All you have to do is familiarize, or review the Program Agreement Guidelines and make an appointment.

Do I have to use all three of my appointments each week?

You are allowed up to three appointments each week, five if you are a student who receives the accommodation of two additional sessions through the Center For Accessibility Resources.  In both cases, you only have to use the amount of appointments you feel you need each week, whether it be one or all.

Can I schedule more than one appointment per day?

You may schedule 2 appointments in one day as long as each appointment is with a different tutor and for a different subject. For example, you could schedule a math appointment with Tutor A and a chemistry appointment with Tutor B. If you schedule more than one appointment per day and/or subject, the later of the two will automatically be cancelled.

Do I have to use the whole fifty minutes of my session?

We ask that you plan your time keeping in mind that tutoring is a limited resource.  If you know you are only going to need a few minutes of a tutor's time, you might look for support from one of our Additional Campus Resources.  Tutors are paid for the entire hour scheduled with you, and if you have booked that time, it prevents someone else from getting a chance to meet with the tutor. 

Do I have to go Campus for tutoring?

No. Tutoring is available remotely through coordination of TutorTrac and Zoom.

Is it okay to sign up for different tutors?

Yes, if we have more than one tutor for your course. We realize that tutors are individuals and have different styles and schedules.

When is tutoring available?

Tutoring begins in the second week of the term. Tutors usually work during daytime hours, but some evening hours may be available depending on individual tutors' schedules.  Tutoring is not available during Final Exam Week.

Can I make tutoring appointments by telephone?

In most cases, no. Tutoring appointments should be made using our on-line scheduling system, TutorTrac, now accessed through your MyLB dashboard. Log in to MyLB Single Sign On to access TutorTrac: Learning Center. For extenuating circumstances, an exception may be possible. You can also email learningcenterinfo@linnbenton.edu for assistance with scheduling.

Is it possible to arrange a standing appointment every week?

No. Tutor appointments are made on a first come, first serve basis.

Is tutoring offered during Finals Week?

No, tutoring ends the last week of classes.

If there is no tutor for a course I need help with, what should I do?

You can email the Tutor Coordinator at mcintys@linnbenton.edu She can give you some strategies and resources you may find useful.

If I am late for my appointment, how long will the tutor wait for me?

The tutor will wait 5 minutes. After that, you will be considered a No-Show, unless you have notified us you will be later. Likewise, your tutor may be a little late, and we ask that you wait a few minutes for him/her.

How can I become a tutor?

Tutors are hired at the beginning of Fall quarter and after that, as the need arises.
Talk to the Tutor Coordinator, mcintys@linnbenton.edu(541) 917-4697 about the criteria used to hire tutors.

If I need more tutoring, can I hire one of the tutors to work with me privately?

Some tutors may be available for additional tutoring, but most are not. At your request, the Tutor Coordinator will email your request on to the tutoring staff, but no guarantees can be made about responses. Tutors set their own fees, usually ranging from $15 - $25 per hour.

If I am not taking a class for LBCC credit, can I hire a private tutor?

See the answer above.