
Student Stories

Wondering what your career journey might look like with a mechatronics degree? Here’s how these LBCC students experienced it.

Kalvin Guilford

U.S. Air Force

"If you like working with your hands, making stuff work, or working with robotics, the mechatronics program is a good choice. You'll learn how to make cool stuff happen. Working on the solar panel project, we had to overcome issues with lubrication and programming. In mechatronics, we learned a lot of troubleshooting skills which helped us, and our basic programming and logic control class helped us to control the system."                               

Kalvin Guilford

Anthony Stevenson

OSU Transfer, Electrical Engineering

"Everything today seems to have something to do with electrical systems, and most of our first year in mechatronics was spent learning how things work and troubleshooting electrical issues. It's pretty cool stuff to learn. Also, for high school students, the program works well with the high school schedule. Getting your Associate's degree while still in high school puts you a huge step ahead of your peers and gives you the benefit of getting done early."                               

Anthony Stevenson

Jordan Hall

OSU Transfer, Software Engineering

"Mechatronics has been a great stepping stone for me. I'm interested in the software side of things, and this program helped me gain practical knowledge of the types of things I would be programming so I can get a better job. I would like to be the person who writes the software that runs an automation line and controls all the robots. I like writing all the inputs and converting them to outputs."                               

Jordan Hall

Daniel Samoylich

OSU Transfer, Electrical Engineering

"I'm really interested in building electrical circuits. The mechatronics program gave me technical, hands-on experience and a good base to work from."                               

Daniel Samoylich

Ashley Trout

AAS, Mechatronics/Industrial Maintenance Technician

"The Mechatronics program not only taught me problem solving skills, but also how to work with others as a team. There's so much you can do with this degree. For me, it's a toss-up between the aerospace industry and green energy, working with wind turbines. The instructors here are amazing; Denis Green brings a certain kind of old school technician demeanor to the class, and Dave Mack is great. It's a really supportive, hands-on learning environment."                               

Ashley Trout

Nathan Baker

OSU Transfer, Computer Hardware Engineering

"The mechatronics program has given me all the basics I need to go into the engineering hardware side of the field, like knowing how electricity works, basic coding, and knowing what to look for when there's a problem. We've learned how to work on common issues, spot those issues, and fix them fairly quickly. I'd like to work with engineering contracts, where you work with someone on their project. I'm also interested in working on a team that tries to improve on past technologies or invents new technologies. If you're even slightly interested in engineering or electrical fields, you should do this program; it's a great place to start. This kind of work is stuff you can't just read up on and figure it out — you have to get in and work with it to really learn it. The program gives you a lot of opportunities for hands-on learning. Like throwing a basketball — you have to practice it to do it well."                               

Nathan Baker