LBCC supports families and communities by providing opportunities for parents/caregivers and children to learn and grow together in our “Live and Learn” classes and for parents/caregivers to learn and gain parenting skills through classes, workshops, and events. Parenting is a learning process for everyone, and since 1976, LBCC has offered programs to fit every family at every stage.

Questions? Contact us at or 541-917-4899.

Winter 2025 Schedule Of Classes


Parent-Child Live and Learn Classes

The Live & Learn program offers parent-child classes for parents with newborns through preschoolers. Each class is offered by age level of the young child. Parents learn best practice techniques for supporting their child’s amazing development and growth through developmentally appropriate songs, games, and activities. Meet other parents and children within the community.

Classes offer:

  • a place to learn more about being a parent
  • a chance to get to know other parents in your community
  • a time for your child to learn and play with other children

Cost: Varies, tuition assistance is available.

How to register: View schedule button above.

Parent Classes & Workshops

We partner with local organizations to offer workshops and class series that are free or very low cost to the parents in our community. Most parenting classes and workshops also offer free child care and meals as part of the class.

Workshops offer:

  • short and long-term opportunities to learn more about being a parent
  • a variety of locations throughout the region to meet with other parents, including online options
  • a time for you to focus on what you need in order to grow as a parent

Cost: Free or low cost, depending on the partner.

How to register: View schedule button above.

Parent Cooperative Preschools 

In a Parent Cooperative Preschool, parents/caregivers join the teacher in providing a best practice play-based learning environment for children ages three to five. Children attend preschool for two-and-a-half hour sessions, three days per week, with parents taking turns assisting the teacher. Parents attend evening parenting education sessions with opportunities to reflect and share with other parents.

What do we talk about:

  • creating a learning environment to support all children
  • laying the foundation for school readiness
  • supporting a strong, healthy relationship with your child
  • identifying positive guidance strategies

Cost: Varies, tuition assistance is available.

How to register: View schedule button above.


Oregon law requires schools and children's facilities to make available the immunization and exemption rates for each vaccine. To view the exact wording of the law, please go to the Oregon Immunization Law.

You can view immunization and exemption rates for Benton and Linn Counties here:

You can view immunization and exemption rates for the LBCC Cooperative Preschools here:

All immunization and exemption rate information is also available in our office.