General education requirements are changing at OSU. If you plan to transfer to or dual enroll with OSU, making a transfer plan now is critical in order to maximize credit transfer. To get your transfer plan in place, set up a meeting with your LBCC advisor before the end of fall term. Your advisor will help you determine which set of general education requirements will apply to you and how to choose classes accordingly.

What is changing at OSU?

Starting summer 2025, OSU’s general education curriculum is changing. The old general education requirements were called the Baccalaureate Core ("bacc core" for short) and the new requirements are called Core Education ("core ed" for short).

Students applying to OSU prior to summer 2025 must meet the old Baccalaureate Core general education requirements. Students applying to OSU for summer 2025 or later will need to fulfill the new Core Education requirements. Learn more about Core Education.

How do the old Baccalaureate Core and new Core Education compare?

Some requirements are the same: for example, college writing, communication, and math are components of both.  Some requirements are different: lifetime health and fitness will no longer be required under Core Education, and the categories of required classes are changing. The new core education requires one less lab science and one less social science course.

What does this mean for me?

It means you need to meet with your advisor to determine which set of general education requirements will apply to you and how to choose classes accordingly. This is your transfer plan. Your transfer plan will depend on several factors, like your GPA, where you are in your educational journey, and whether or not you plan to finish your associates degree at LBCC. 

Some general guidelines below:

  • If you are planning to complete your Associate of Science (AS) degree or Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer (AAOT) at LBCC, you don’t have anything to worry about. Completing a transfer degree at LBCC will satisfy the lower division general education requirements at OSU. The timing of your application to OSU is not critical, though we recommend applying as a Degree Partnership student as soon as you are eligible. Remember that you can apply to OSU and wait up to ten terms before starting classes or paying any OSU fees.
  • If you have 24+ credits and are transfer eligible (college writing and math and a 2.25+ GPA) by the end of fall term, you will likely benefit from applying to OSU for winter or spring term 2025. Application deadline is March 3 to have the old bacc core requirements honored (applying for spring 2025).
  • Students with 3.75+ college GPA may be eligible for OSU transfer scholarships, which are awarded only for students applying for fall term. Speak with your advisor about the timing of your application to OSU. The fall 2025 deadline for scholarship consideration is March 15, 2025.
  • If you only have a few college credits so far, work closely with your advisor to choose classes that will best align with the new Core Education at OSU. If you took some classes as "perspectives" courses, they may not count towards the new Core Education requirements. They will still count as elective credits. Apply for OSU and Degree Partnership as soon as you are transfer eligible


What if I don’t want to start taking classes at OSU yet?

That’s okay! You can apply to OSU as a Degree Partnership student (just check the box on the OSU application) and you can keep taking classes at LBCC for up to ten terms before you need to take any classes at OSU. Applying will lock-in your degree requirements, but there is no pressure to start at OSU until you are ready.

I’m transfer eligible, but I think I prefer the new Core Education requirements. Can I choose Core Education instead?

Yes! If you are transfer eligible but like the idea of the new Core Education, you can choose to apply to OSU for summer 2025 or later. Work closely with your advisor so you understand the implications of this choice.

Where can I learn more?

Visit Transfer Center