Paid Leave (temporarily replaces AR 6125-01 until repealed)



To illustrate eligibility for paid leave benefits, rates of accrual, carry over, pay out upon separation, and the administrative process for using paid leave benefits.



Bargaining Unit Employees

Paid leave benefits for employees who are subject to collective bargaining agreements shall be governed by those respective agreements; failing such provisions, Board Policies and Administrative Rules shall apply.

Management/Exempt and Confidential Employees

For employees hired on or after July 1, 2011:

For employees hired prior to July 1, 2011:

Due to the extraordinary circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the associated difficulty for many staff to utilize paid leave at the normal rate, individual requests for exceptions to the July 1st 200 hour annual carry over limit of PL-N may be submitted in writing to the appropriate Vice-President.  Such exceptions, if granted, may not extend beyond the last day of the summer academic term, 2023.  Such exceptions, if granted, will not impact the employee’s pay out limits upon separation. 

Any employee who is eligible to PERS retire, or eligible to "early retire" (as defined in Board Policy 6115) as of July 1, 2011 will be paid out to a maximum of 65 days (520 hours) upon retirement from the college, or a maximum of 35 days (280 hours) upon any other type of separation.  An employee who is not eligible to early retire as of July 1, 2011 will be paid out to a maximum of 35 days (280 hours) upon any form of separation from the college. Totals will include both PL-O and PL-N.

Requesting, Documenting, and Usage of Paid Leave

Requesting Paid Leave

Employees should engage with their direct supervisor to discern the most effective process to request and receive prior approval for paid leave in a manner that minimizes disruption to college services.  Exempt employees may make paid leave requests only in full day increments.  Employees paid on an hourly basis may request paid leave in hourly increments. 

Documenting Paid Leave

Paid leave usage must be accurately documented by the employee on their monthly time sheets for the purpose of fiscal integrity. 

Employees may not elect to receive compensatory pay-outs in lieu of earned paid leave except upon separation from the college. Any exceptions to this Administrative Rule will only be made with expressed consent of President.



Date of Adoption:

Dates of Revision:
4/7/22, 6/21/22
Dates of Review: