Writing Support

Becoming a Writing Assistant

Writing Center schedules change every quarter to accommodate the classes and availability of the student writing assistants; hours typically range from 3 – 12 hours per week. Writing assistants work with students on writing assignments from any class and at any stage of the writing process. Most writing assistants not only work with students through our drop-in service and 30-minute appointment system, but also respond with written feedback to students who use our Online Writing Lab (OWL).  Consideration for a writing assistant position is based on a variety of factors:

  • Because writing assistants often keep their positions for 2-4 years, openings are infrequent; hiring does not happen every year. When hiring occurs, it will be before the start of the fall quarter to allow for intensive training.
  • Students must be recommended by a faculty member; though this is often provided by an English instructor, other faculty may also recommend students.
  • Students must have a “B” or better in Writing 121.
  • Students must have an in-depth interview with Chessie Alberti, the Writing Center Coordinator, prior to submitting an application for the position through the Human Resources Department.
  • Students must submit a sample of their writing to the Writing Center Coordinator.
  • Students must have excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Students participate in ongoing training and team meetings.  Writing Assistants have been certified through the College Reading & Learning Association - International Tutor Training Program.  What does this mean? Once writing assistants have reached Level I status, they have completed 25 hours of tutoring, 10 hours of training, and favorable evaluations by students and their supervisor; Level I training is mandatory for all staff, but most Writing Center staff have achieved Level II status which entails 50 hours of tutoring, 20 hours of training, and favorable evaluations.



Benefits of Being a Writing Assistant

The skills you develop as a writing assistant will be personally enriching and transfer to any future career. Writing assistants develop and practice excellent interpersonal communication, develop valuable critical thinking skills, increase their self-confidence, and improve their own academic performance by guiding other students through the learning process. To inquire about writing assistant positions, please stop by the Writing Center and talk to the Writing Center Coordinator. The Writing Center is located in the Learning Center (second floor of Willamette Hall, above the library).