Art Galleries on Campus

South Santiam Hall Gallery

Featured: Amalgam

Oregon State Art Majors are showcasing their newest paintings in an exhibition titled, “Amalgam.” The art can be viewed in person at the South Santiam Art Gallery from November 19 - 30, 2021. Drawing inspiration from the definition of Amalgam (a mixture of different elements) the featured art demonstrates the diversity of both the student artists and their styles. 

This exhibition is part of an annual effort by the Linn Benton Community College Art Gallery and the faculty of the Oregon State University Art Department to showcase emerging artists in our community. Amalgam marks the fourth year of collaboration and features work by Will Cope, Katie Le,  Marta Nunez, Serena Swanson, Tessa Coffey, Maddie Haugen, Erik Ruby, Scarlet Harrison, Delaney Wilmott, Ashley Maceira, Robin Weis, Michael Heath, and Anastasia Hazel. The class is taught by Johnny Beaver and student artist Scarlet Harrison was the exhibition lead assisting with curatorial elements. 

Advanced Painting Instructor Johnny Beaver describes the show accordingly:

Amalgam is a collection of recent work by Oregon State University studio art majors taking Painting III (ART481, Advanced Painting) this fall. For those with a degree concentration in painting, this is the terminal course in the program and is repeated several times towards the end of the BFA program in order to prepare for their thesis exhibition. All projects are self-directed and tied only to the conceptual and material concerns of each student. This course fosters a diverse environment of creative ideation that focuses on the transition from art student to art graduate and solidifies ownership over one’s own work. 

A virtual reception and gallery talk will be held November 19 from 6 pm to 7 pm. The public is invited to join at this Zoom link. For further information, contact The South Santiam Hall Gallery is open Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.