LBCC Parenting Education Receives $50,000 Grant, Ensuring Continued Work on Expansion and Coordination of Statewide System
Earlier this summer, the Linn-Benton Community College Parenting Education Department
has received a $50,000 renewal grant from the Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative
The grant is part of a is part of a multi-year initiative supporting expansion of
high-quality parenting education programs and a more coordinated parenting education
system statewide.
The collaborative, which started in 2010, is comprised of the Oregon Community Foundation,
Meyer Memorial Trust, The Ford Family Foundation, The Collins Foundation and Oregon
State University.
LBCC was among the first six programs to participate in the initiative, which has
grown to 15 programs. This will be the ninth year LBCC has participated, bringing
the total funds awarded to $590,000.
LBCC’s project, the Parenting Success Network, supports parenting education classes
throughout Linn and Benton counties, and includes numerous public awareness activities
and efforts to build collaborative partnerships.
Grant funds will be used to support classes, workshops, parent support activities,
and family activities in 2018-2019. A primary goal of OPEC is to emphasize the importance
of positive parenting practices through parenting education.
LBCC’s program also hosts a website,, offers information, parenting tips and resources, along with a comprehensive calendar
of parenting education opportunities offered by multiple organizations. The program
also supports professional development for all parenting educators in the two-county